“KOSMA GROUP INTERNATIONAL HEALTH TOURISM”. is based in Istanbul, Turkey (Türkiye), and is specialized in providing value-based touristic medical services to international patients.

KOSMA is the perfect choice for those who are seeking reliable health packages that perfectly attend to their medical situation.

The hospitals that we contracted with will provide such quality service together with its reliable partners, all of whom are among top advanced licensed and internationally recognized health facilities located in Istanbul and all-around Turkey (Türkiye).

All of clinicians and nursing staff in the hospitals that we contracted with have international experience and a variety of languages currently spoken fluently.

Our business network has been active for more than five decades. Its scope of work covered areas such as infrastructure projects, agricultural sector projects, oil services projects and various engineering projects mainly in Nigeria but in other African and Middle East countries as well.

“KOSMA GROUP INTERNATIONAL HEALTH TOURISM”. is based in Istanbul, Turkey (Türkiye), and is specialized in providing value-based touristic medical services to international patients.

KOSMA is the perfect choice for those who are seeking reliable health packages that perfectly attend to their medical situation.

The hospitals that we contracted with will provide such quality service together with its reliable partners, all of whom are among top advanced licensed and internationally recognized health facilities located in Istanbul and all-around Turkey (Türkiye).

All of clinicians and nursing staff in the hospitals that we contracted with have international experience and a variety of languages currently spoken fluently.

Our business network has been active for more than five decades. Its scope of work covered areas such as infrastructure projects, agricultural sector projects, oil services projects and various engineering projects mainly in Nigeria but in other African and Middle East countries as well.

The establishment of our new company KOSMA International Trading in Turkey came as an attempt to expand our scope of work through offering our valued customers efficient, safe and profitable access to the Turkish market.

The choice of Istanbul for our new company KOSMA came for many obvious logical and practical reasons such as its unique position as a hub that links main business sectors in the three continents Africa, Europe and Asia, its status as the Turkish economic capital, the presence of a huge diversity of business sectors in the city, the presence of a global banking and banking environment, and the easy and affordable access to the city through its international airports.

KOSMA International Trading is set to provide our valued customers and associates the following services

The choice of Istanbul for our new company KOSMA came for many obvious logical and practical reasons such as its unique position as a hub that links main business sectors in the three continents Africa, Europe and Asia, its status as the Turkish economic capital, the presence of a huge diversity of business sectors in the city, the presence of a global banking and banking environment, and the easy and affordable access to the city through its international airports.

KOSMA International Trading is set to provide our valued customers and associates the following services

• Professional and thoroughly researched introduction to a guaranteed risk-free best quality / best prices Turkish product.
• Quality management of the whole business deal which guarantees efficiency and cost effectiveness to the best satisfaction of the client.
• The choice of different trading options including partnership, commercial dealers or direct selling.
• Execution of all follow-up activities including shipping and transportation.
• The choice of the format of financial method of the business deal including (LCs, electronic money transfer EFT …).
• Consulting services for project implementation related to countries where our partners are located.

Our staff speak the following languages (Arabic, Turkish, and English) and will always be glad to receive your queries and provide any assistant you need for exploring business potentials in Turkey and Nigeria.

Turk Grads for Educational Services

  • Admission in Turkish Private universities.
  • Admission in Turkish State Universities.
  • Access to more than 1300 leading global universities in Canada, Australia, UK and The United states.
  • professional staff with long Experience in the placement field.
  • Visa application support.

Turk Grads for Educational Services

  • Admission in Turkish Private universities.
  • Admission in Turkish State Universities.
  • Access to more than 1300 leading global universities in Canada, Australia, UK and The United states.
  • professional staff with long Experience in the placement field.
  • Visa application support.

Scope Of Business

 Customized Vehicles

The Agricultural Sector

Construction Sector

Furniture and wood

Educational Services

Food Items

Contact Information

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